Happiness Through Transformation...

with Juicy Roots Electrolysis

Happiness Through Transformation. Woman on beach in bikini.

Happiness Through Transformation...

with Juicy Roots Electrolysis

Juicy Roots Electrolysis and SkinCare Logo

Welcome to Juicy Roots!

!Bienvenidos a raíces jugosas!

Our mission is to help you eliminate unwanted hair, enhance your physical appearance, and build your self-confidence! We know there are many choices out there for hair removal, but if you are seeking permanency, you are in the right place. Congratulations on taking the first step in your journey to becoming hair free!

Rainbow Pride Flag

We welcome people of all sizes, colors, ethnicities, genders, sexual orientations, abilities, religions, and beliefs. We offer a safe space and a friendly place for anyone who wants to undergo transformation through electrolysis.

You can get rid of pesky body hair just about anywhere...

tropical leaf illustration


Hold that chin up high again! Toss the tweezers. Feel comy in all lighting. Share that pretty face with the world

Fern illustration


No more shaving and waxing! Free yourself from that routine. Wear that cute outfit to show off those sexy legs.

Tropical Leaf Illustration


Say hello to that cute bikini you always wanted to wear! Smooth like a baby's tush. Feel confident and fuzz-free.

palm tree illustration

Under Arm

Bye-bye stubble, shadow, and irritation! Wear those cute tanks and halters. Nore more razors or razor burn.

Electrolysis is especially beneficial for people who experience excessive hair growth in these locations and more as a symptom of PCOS, menopause, or other instances of hormonal imbalance.  


"What can I say about Chava?
She absolutely changed my life!

I was hesitant about electrolysis but had tried virtually everything else to get rid of the dark facial hair that I had and was very self-conscious about. At the initial consultation, an empathy exuded from her that made me realize she really understood what I was going through and wanted to help me, all without judgment. And help she did; we eradicated those hairs!!! Electrolysis gave me back my confidence."

Are you ready to remove those juicy roots?

Estás listo para eliminar esas raíces jugosas?

Located in Roseville, California

located in roseville california